Anime Boy Eyes Reference

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Anime boy eyes reference. For a step by step tutorial on drawing male anime eyes you can see. Today we ll take a minute to focus on those very special and cool characters who have heterochromia. How to draw male anime manga eyes.

Heterochromia is a difference in the coloration of the eyes. For drawing female anime eyes you see. Common styles of male anime eyes regular style male anime eyes examples.

These types of eyes are usually drawn for younger male anime characters and are fairly big and wide. This tutorial will focus on drawing the eyes of a young adult male character age of about 20 30. See more ideas about anime eyes eye drawing drawing tutorial.

Here is the tutorial on 10 ways to draw anime boy eyes. Anime is that wonderful world where you can find all kinds of interesting characters with the most rare and exotic features such as gravity defying hairstyles or a colorful hair. Anime eyes of younger male characters are often drawn very similar to or exactly the same as those of female characters.